Adobe illustrator icon
Adobe illustrator icon

adobe illustrator icon

The size doesn’t matter, we will set it later. Create another Rectangle, this time make it square by pressing the Shift key while drawing. If you don’t set a size you can set it later (Step 11). Create a Rectangle with the Rectangle Tool (M) set it’s width to 50px and height to 25px. No need to align it to the another rectangle, you can place it anywhere on the canvas.ģ. Create another Rounded Rectangle (width=50px / height=250px). Fill the object with a nice color (C=35 M=9 Y=70 K=0).Ģ. If you want to change the roundness, press the Up or Down keys while pressing the Mouse Left Button. When drawing, hold down the Shift key to create a square. Create a Rounded Rectangle with the Rounded Rectangle Tool (width / height=250px).

adobe illustrator icon

Set Up your DocumentĬreate an art board that is 800 x 600px. Select CMYK color mode, Screen (72ppi) and make sure that the “Align New Objects to Pixel Grid” box is unchecked before your click OK.ġ. So how can one create a great, trendy icon with flat style and long shadow? Follow this tutorial and learn to use the basic tools and the tools on the Pathfinder Panel.

Adobe illustrator icon